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The Boomerang Effect: In Reiz Tech, We Welcome Returning Employees

The New Normal: Kindness like a boomerang, always returns. Same as our previous employees! 

The old-age dogma was that once a worker left a company, they shouldn’t be permitted to return. But companies are shifting their conviction and grasping the advantages of rehiring “boomerang employees”. 

What is a boomerang employee?  

Boomerang employees are staff who voluntarily resigned at a company and then rejoin that same company later. The employee’s departure could have been the outcome of a new job opportunity so as they called ‘greener pasture’, a voluntary reason, or because they were let go as part of a retrenchment, streamlining, or other reason impertinent to the employee’s work behavior or performance.  

While the concept of the ‘boomerang employee’ is not new, it hadn’t been encompassed by most companies but in Reiz Tech, we fully embrace the concept especially if you made an impact during your stay. 

Boomerang Culture in 2022 

For the past two and half years, the pandemic has changed the workplace. From subsequent stay-at-home, individuals across all professions began reevaluating their work lives and exploring alternative paths with a new set of priorities such as flexible work, hybrid model, work anywhere in the world and so forth. As a company that supports this concept, we start by projecting maturity and embracing it. In fact, we recently rehired a workforce formerly a Reiz Tech Employee! 

Mykolas: The Power Of Culture 

We recently interviewed one of our boomerang employees, Mykolas Mankevičius, who’s presently active as a Front-End Developer and who deemed “Reiz tech is interesting for its culture and future vision. The biggest benefit for me is the culture. The people are from all over the world, and we provide ways to get to know different cultures. Other benefits are great employee perks as well as working from anywhere you want!”  

He believes in creating a change and carrying his experience to Reiz Tech again, but he also believes that “Reiz is doing great, the Reiz Studio initiative is what I would have offered, but it's already here.” In 5 – 10 years, he’s optimistic in “running a project or two within Reiz Studio as well as doing more workshops about programming.” Reiz Studio is an innovation. It is a venture studio that helps to partner with other companies to develop ideas. In this Reiz Studio, you can provide both capital and mentorship for others that have already been vetted. See this link to learn more about Reiz Studio: 

Link: Are you looking for a place that is full of madness?

Link: Are you ready for the challenge?  

Link: Ready to explore together?

He knows that part of being a boomerang employee is“Communication is the biggest key, without good communication everything else falls apart. Especially when most people work remotely. So, anything that connects people and creates better relationships is the key to creating a great team.” 

He distinguishes that Reiz Tech is his employer of choice because it is rather intrinsic, “I’ve tried looking outside and it's just not the same, I think all of these things combined make Reiz one of the top employers in Lithuania and some other countries.” 


Boomerang employees transport new standpoints learned in other work environments and more social capital back to the company and tend to be more reliant upon their return. They're more productive and even after the initial onboarding stage, boomerang employees are more contented and devoted than most employees.  

Boomerang culture we practice, a culture we preach. 

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