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Reiz Without Borders: Gia's Balance Between Career and Travel

The growing number of remote jobs around the world have led to the emergence of Digital Nomads: people who travel freely while working remotely. Reiz's Business Analyst, Gia Gintautė Vitkutė, has embraced this lifestyle for over seven years now. In this article, we delve into Gia's experiences and the nuances of living as a Digital Nomad.

a woman standing on top of mountains

Starting Early On

Although digital nomadism accelerated after the pandemic, Gia's journey began long before that. Reminiscing about her past, Gia states that traveling while working was a lifelong goal of hers. After leaving her home in Lithuania to study in the United Kingdom, she discovered a passion for voyaging around the world. "While working in China as an English teacher, I visited Australia for holidays and found out about people who work fully remotely," Gia explains. "I had known of developers who have remote jobs, but this part of IT felt too intimidating to me back then. My experience in Australia gave me insight that there are other fields where remote-working talents are sought after".

Requalifying For Remote Work

After discovering these opportunities, Gia embarked on a mission to find a profession that resonated with her and aligned with the remote work world. While her initial thoughts leaned towards UI/UX design and Front-End development, she realized that mastering these skills would take considerable time. Therefore, Gia sought a path that allowed her to work remotely more quickly and started learning Business Analytics. After gaining her qualifications, she began searching for a job, with the main criterion, no surprise, being the ability to work from anywhere in the world. At present, employed at Reiz, Gia enjoys the freedom to travel without restrictions, effectively balancing her work and personal life.

Many Countries In Gia's Pockets

Currently finishing up her stay in Turkey before heading to Lithuania for a bit, Gia has managed to travel to many parts of the world: from living in Asia, hopping around Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines, to soaking up the sun in Colombia and Mexico during the COVID-19 pandemic, also not forgetting Europe through out the years. After her brief return to Lithuania, she plans to take a true vacation without working before returning to Asia.

Advantages and Challenges of the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

As a Digital Nomad, Gia enjoys the independence she has while traveling and working remotely. "I was never an 'office person' and didn't want to stay in one place," she says. "Having the freedom to plan not only my work hours, but also my workplace, is essential for my happiness." She also notes that being in charge of your time management creates more time for personal activities, such as exercising, socializing, and sightseeing.

When asked about the challenges that may occur while traveling and working remotely, Gia notes that technical issues are usually the main ones. "There were times when I had two SIM cards with unlimited data, home internet, and it still wasn't working as it should," she explains. Moreover, Gia emphasizes the laws that countries have for working while traveling. She points out that some countries have strict restrictions for people traveling with a tourist visa and a Digital Nomad should always research them before planning their travels.

Adjusting To Wandering Around The World

Leaving your home to travel the world can also be a challenge in itself. When asked for tips on adjusting to the Digital Nomad lifestyle and avoiding getting homesick, Gia points out a few of them.

Start small: Your first travel doesn't have to be a year-long trip to another continent. Try living in a country that's culturally close to your homeland for one to three months, then come back to your country for a reset. It takes time to assimilate to this lifestyle.

Create personal rituals: Everyone has something that makes them feel at home. For me, it's tea drinking ceremonies. I attend these ceremonies no matter where I am located, whether I'm in Lithuania, Vietnam, or any other country. If you have things that you can bring with you anywhere, then any country can feel like home.

Socialize: Constantly changing your location can make you feel lonely. It's important to connect with new people who can become your companions during your stay. When working remotely in a new country, having plans to meet friends after work can be a significant motivator.

moments from a woman's travels

As Gia's Digital Nomad journey unfolds, she shows us what it means to work from anywhere. From her roots in Lithuania to her travels around the world, she inspires others to embrace the freedom of remote work. Wherever she goes, Gia reminds us that home is wherever we feel at ease, and that there's a whole world out there to discover. As she looks forward to her next adventure, Gia embodies the spirit of going with the flow and staying curious, just like many other Digital Nomads out there.

Contemplating on starting a remote work journey yourself? Apply to Reiz's open positions here: