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Getting a Head Start on your IT Career with Reiz Tech 

It is never too early to start planning for career success, whether you are looking for an initial placement in the IT industry or an exciting project in 2023. 

 To ensure that you have a great kickstart in your IT career, here are some tips on career readiness that you must check off the list: 

Keep an eye on technology trends  

As an IT specialist, displaying deep curiosity about new technology, it is essential to keep your knowledge updated in the industry as organizations move forward following the trends. To be relevant in IT, you must have the agility to seek out opportunities to learn new things. Learn that new language, join that free IT academy, and apply to that role as a steppingstone in your IT career. If there is a will, there is a way to hit that milestone you have always wanted. 

At Reiz Tech, we believe in your dreams and are ready to help you to enhance your IT career with Reiz University. Join us! 

Your projects are your treasure  

As you are looking for career advancement in your current organization or a new environment, building a solid compartment for projects related to your line of work is compelling.  

The treasure (your projects) must be kept in one place to track the knowledge that you use in harnessing your skills from time to time. 

‘You’re not an IT developer if you don’t have a GitHub profile.’ Though this statement is not true, GitHub is the niche portfolio to highlight and track your project. It shows your improvement, consistency, and seriousness in working on different projects. It also gives a great impression to people who read your portfolio and want to learn more about who you are as an IT professional. 

As we are using a more digitalized approach in job search and hiring, having an updated online professional profile is crucial to introduce who you are. Do not have time to write a resume? Do not worry as you can fully utilize LinkedIn to update your professional profile.  

Our recommended platforms to highlight your projects and career timeline are GitHub, LinkedIn, and your website. 


Staying on top of the latest job openings and updates in Reiz Tech. The IT industry is quickly moving, and at Reiz, you will learn a great deal about the latest developments, knowledge, and experiences. 

To learn more about our company:  

Visit our Reiz Careers page for more job openings at  

Written by the Talents Team

January 26, 2023