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Future is Today: Leadership Starts From You!

Leadership starts with you, as every individual has the potential to influence and shape the future through their actions and decisions. By embracing the responsibility of leadership and taking ownership of our actions, we have the power to create a positive and promising future for ourselves and those around us. 

Leadership starts from the inside out. Do whatever it is that keeps you grounded so that you remain creative and resourceful. From there, you can effectively lead others.  

Team on a beach

What does it mean for you?  

  • You can always demonstrate leadership with or without an implicit approval. 

  • Drive your career path, "If you want to walk the path, you need to move your feet.” You have the ownership to do this; 

  • Care about the work environment, and your willingness to spend your time and energy to make it better. This way, you also have the power to change your work mindset; 

  • Raise questions, speak up, and participate actively if you wish to contribute. Don’t wait until being asked;  

  • Take ownership of the task without waiting for the appointed leader to assign it to you; 

  • Be proactive! Take initiative when you see something can be done better and do it without being told.  

At Reiz, we believe that you can lead others and set an example even without a leadership role. If you’re setting the example, thereby, you are already being a role model for others to follow. 

The Reizer Ethical Guidebook is continuously overseen by the Ethics Committee: Anthony Shieh Villanueva, Monika Česnauskaitė-Sanchez, and Monika Kvietkienė.  

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To see all our openings in Reiz Careers page at  

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